
  • Сергей Кудрявцев

    Sergey Kudryavtsev

    Project Founder

    Defines digital marketing strategy. Entrepreneur with 10 years’ experience of project management, digital marketing, and blockchain development. Proven to be a strong leader through foundation and management of the digital marketing company “Stokrat”.

  • Денис Асханутдинов

    Denis Askhanutdinov

    Project Founder
    Executive Director

    Responsible for the overall implementation of the project marketing strategy. Coordinates the creation of content for social media channels, and creates and implements community engagement and growth initiatives.

  • Константин Братишко

    Konstantin Bratishko

    Arts and Design

    Has more than 10 years’ practical experience in online social games and 2D game animation.

  • Mr. Igor & Co

    Mr. Igor & Co

    Blockchain Developer

    Responsibilities include blockchain TON development. Has more than 15 years’ practical experience in backend development and successful participation in significant projects.

  • Андрей Хагрид

    Andrey “Hagrid”

    Game Designer

    Participation experience in more than ten financially successful projects, focuses on multiplayer and online games, specializes in the balance of gameplay and mechanics of increased complexity.

  • Александр Мирославский

    Alexander Miroslavsky

    Community and PR

    More than 5 years of working with video game communities, implements player involvement, generates promotion content.